Obituary of Temi Jonae Davidson
Temi Jonae Davidson was called home to the Lord on Friday, April 8th 2022. She passed peacefully at home in Brampton, Ontario in the company of family and friends. Her battle with cancer during these more recent years showed her resilience and strength in facing her challenges head on with a smile. Despite the pain, she remained steadfast, her faith and courage never wavering.
Beloved daughter of Delores Akinshara and sister to Rayand. She is the cherished auntie, niece and cousin to a host of extended family members and a loving friend to many. She was a leader and always found ways to encourage others and build community. Most recently as a teacher at Tommy Douglas Secondary School she shared her love and passion for the sciences.
The celebration of Temi’s life will be held on Saturday April 30th at New Life Covenant Centre. Additional details will follow. The Davidson family deeply appreciates your thoughts, continued prayers and overwhelming acts of kindness during this difficult time.
Friday, April 29, 2022
New Haven
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Time: 11AM
**Viewing** (10-11AM)
New Life Covenant Centre
7050 Bramalea Rd., Unit 42-47, Mississauga, ON
Brampton Memorial Gardens
10061 Chinguacousy Rd., Brampton, ON