Obituary of Inez Amanda Duffus
Our family is sad to announce the passing of Inez Amanda Duffus. Inez departed from us at the age of 44 on November 9th, 2022. Inez was born in the City of Toronto and was raised in the City of Malton CA, ON.
Inez was a courageous, intelligent, ambitious, amiable and devoted women of God.
Inez is survived by her father (Linford Duffus Sr.), brother (Linford Duffus Jr.), sisters (Samantha & Nardia Duffus), niece (Kaylin Duffus), family, friends, colleagues and community. Heaven has gained a strong soldier. She will truly be missed by all who was dearest to her heart.
We appreciate all the love, support, prayers and heartfelt wishes as we mourn the loss of Inez.
To view the livstream from the service that was on December 3, 2022 at 10:00AM, please click:
Friday, December 2, 2022
Location: New Haven Funeral Centre
Saturday, December 3, 2022
10:00AM (Viewing 9:00-10:00AM)
Location: New Haven Chapel
Glenview Memorial Gardens, 7541 Hwy. 50, Woodbridge, ON