Obituary of Reuben Aaron Aird
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved husband, father, step father, brother, uncle, co-worker and friend, Reuben Aird, employee of Metro Logistics who passed away at home in Toronto, on Saturday November 4th 2023. Left to mourn, his wife Veronica Lawrence, his son Yuday, step daughters Nadia, Vanessa and Charleene Lawrence all of Canada, brother Francis in Canada, sister Juan and her husband Michael from Canada. His sisters Bernadette, Winifred and Tiny in Grenada. Sons in law Marlon and Zack in Canada. His best friend Samuel Weldetensae also known as Sammi. Many other friends and family both here and aboard too numerous to mention.
May he rest in peace.
Friday, November 17, 2023
9:00 - 11:00AM
Location: New Haven Funeral Centre
7025 Legion Rd., Mississauga, ON
Friday, November 17, 2023
Location: New Haven Funeral Centre
7025 Legion Rd., Mississauga, ON
Park Lawn Cemetery
2845 Bloor St W, Toronto ON