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Obituary of Leonie Angella Campbell
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, Leonie Angella Campbell. On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, our dear loving mother, passed away unexpectedly, but peacefully in her sleep at her home in Toronto, Ontario
She was the loving mother of Shane Richards, Kimberly and Shamar Lewin. She was also the proud grandmother to nine grand children.
She was born on March 14, 1964, to Jonathan (Deceased) and Coralee Campbell (Deceased) in May Pen, Jamaica. Leonie is survived by her siblings; Errol, Valen, Percival, Murlin, Paul, Calvin, Glen, Garth, Dorrette and Janet.
Leonie will be missed dearly by her family and friends.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
New Haven Chapel
Meadowvale Cemetery
7732 Mavis Rd., Brampton, ON